So if 97% of professionals can not correctly identify "Pit Bulls" (used loosely here as this slang derived from BSL Legislature, mentioning "Pit Bull Type Dogs"), how can they manage a BSL region? If they can't, then the Government surely can't, so who should? Should a BSL even be allowed to exist?
Let's introduce you to BSL's (Breed Specific Legislation). BSL's are laws written to reduce the amount of dog bites usually "associated" with one type of breed or another, or to reduce the population of "dangerous" or "aggressive" breeds in a particular area (such as city or county, some run state wide, but not so much in recent years). These laws don't just surround themselves around American Pit Bull Terrier, they also encircle American Staffordshire Terrier and other "Pit Bull" Type dogs. In truth, it encases over 50 breeds, including Boston Terriers, French Bull Dogs, English Bull Dogs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, English Bull Terriers, Doberman Pinchers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dalmatians, Chow Chows, American Bulldogs, Mastiffs and much, much more. With each rewrite of the definitions of BSL laws, more breeds are encased.
Denver, CO enacted a Breed Ban in 1989. Citizens of Denver continue to suffer a higher rate of hospitalization from dog bite-related injuries after the ban, then the citizens of breed-neutral Colorado counties. (Source: National Canine Research Center)
The fact of the matter is that it has been shown and proven over and over again that a BSL region does not in fact reduce the population of American Pit Bull Terrier and other "Pit Bull" type dogs or typically dog bites, or the number of dog bite related injuries. A BSL takes dogs out of good homes that care about what happens to them, and puts more into the hands of the people that these laws were designed to reduce the numbers in. In fact in over 78% of cases in a BSL region, "Pit Bull" type dogs population has INCREASED, not decreased.
What Related National Organizations oppose BSL's?
Most actually. Even the National Animal Control Association (NACA) does not support BSL's because of it's difficulty to enforce and the ineffectiveness. Others including the American Bar Association, because of it's costly litigation and difficulty to defend, most of national animal welfare organizations, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and so many others.
So why do they still exist?
In truth, with all the agencies that have been involved in the cases surrounding American Pit Bull Terriers, and other "Pit Bull" Type dogs, The CDC has given the best advice.
Taken in part, The CDC has advised in short......
"The best course of action to prevent injury and lethal dog attacks is to be part of your neighborhood. Know your neighbors, their dogs, and what dogs are best to stay away from."
Quoted from Best Friends Magazine
United Kennel Clubs Description Of A Pit Bull
“The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier (here forth referred to as APBT) are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. Because most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog…The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers.
Aggressive behavior towards humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work."
This description borrowed from Midwest Rescue, you can learn more about Pit Bulls, Myths and Facts Here
As also stated in Best Friends Magazine....
Pit bulls attack without warning.
"After doing temperament tests on 1,000 dogs, the institute found that
"Pit Bulls signal like any other dogs"
Institute of Animal Welfare and Behavior, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany.
In short, if so many agencies are so against what is being said about American Pit Bull Terriers and Pit Bull Type dogs, the laws that stand to oppose them, and the stereotypes that so many of these dogs are carrying, why is media still allowed to slander these dogs names, even with more then half a million documented cases of mis-identified breeds? Why is it that people still believe fear mongering stories from these media outlet. How did these dogs go from Nanny Dog to killing machines?
Ok, the best way to hit this subject, is true story moment. My daughter (photographed above) swore, when I said I was getting a pit bull, she was never come over again. The photo above is 2 years later, with said pit bull that she would never trust, which at that point she adopted a pit mix from us (The mix was bully breed also, so can't argue that it was the other breed's traits). With no prior training, the first night she was adopted, she dove under my grandson, keeping from hitting his head hard on the coffee table as he fell backwards.... to further this story, she had no prior social with people until our rescue. She arrived on a man's property at 10 weeks old, and was locked in a 6X12 kennel for two years. Her only interaction with people, was him yelling at her and feeding her. Water was when it was convenient.
So the travesty of it.....
A BSL is enacted in your county. Your bully breed has lovingly helped you take care of your kids.... a phone call is made about your dog (if you knew about the BSL or not). Animal Control, or the sheriff's department rushes into your home, your dog is forcfully taken from your home, and euthanized the next day. Your family is torn to shreds. In the meantime, someone that cares nothing about your dog, nor the dog he's going to go buy off the black market, to transport to your county, and throw in a ring for another dog to tear up, continues to get Pit Bull and "Pit Bull Type Dogs." This law designed to stop these crimes has torn a family apart.... The criminal it was designed to stop, just goes the next county over where they aren't banned and picks up any dog for $50 off of craigslist, or wherever he decides to shop. Does this sound like a fair or sound policy to you?
Fighting BSL's can be fought on may fronts. Signing Petitions, writing level headed, informative, and source based emails to your representatives, attending city counsel meetings with printed and documented research on why BSL's don't work and their impact on tax payers. Attending peaceful, constructive rallies, and learning the facts about what a BSL is, how it works, and who it effects. We have written many fact based emails with resources attached to them to our representatives in our areas considering BSL's. Between our info and many others that were involved, the BSL's were denied. What side will you take? If you don't stand up for these breeds, who will stand up for you when your breed is added to the legislature.
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